Monday, February 14, 2011

Update & A Few Changes!!!

Right off the bat I would like to wish everyone Happy Love Day!

Well, being Monday and all I wanted to take a couple moments and share some exciting news with you all and make a couple changes.

I am very excited to report that as of my weigh in February 12th I have lost a total of 21 lbs!!! Since I started blogging in January I have lost a total of 10.2 lbs, which leaves 70lbs to loose for this year. Not a small task, but defiantly a challenge that I am up for and excited to take on.

When I first decided to start blogging I was looking for an outlet to get the thoughts inside my head out and to make a change. I will be the first to admit that I have some control issues and have been doing the same thing over and over again and well, someone famous once said “ Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” I needed to make a change, no matter how big or small and writing these posts has provided it. It has been a bumpy ride so far, but I wouldn't take any of it back. Growing as a person, reprogramming your core operating system is not an easy or comfortable task, but I am glad to be doing it. Never in a million years did I think people around the world would be reading my blog, but so far people in Haiti, Japan, Latvia, United States, Australia and Malaysia have been joining along. I am humbled and nervous, but smiling.

Ok folks, some changes!

I have decided that writing out goals once a week is not working for me, so I will be doing my Goals posts, once a month and then updating the following month. I will also be posting a picture of myself once a month. Some may view this as arrogant, but allow me to explain. I really dislike having my picture taken and what better way to get over this than to at least take one myself and post it for the world to see. I think it will also serve as a visual cue for my weight loss journey because looking at myself every day I don't really see a difference, so perhaps having pictures to look back on will help me appreciate the hard work an journey I am on!

So, without further adeau here are my goals for the month!

  1. Exercise 30mins/6 days a week – I am learning that exercise doesn't mean breaking a hardcore sweat. It means, moving 30mins more than I normally would.
  2. Do 1 thing a day that scares me – this does not have to be an earth shattering scary thing, just one thing where that little voice in my head goes “Don't do it, to risky” and I ignore that silly little voice and do it anyways.
  3. Finishing reading and complete all the exercises for “Smart Cookies: Guide to Making more Dough”
  4. Loose 6 lbs.
  5. Continue to practice gumption


Unknown said...

Keep it up Baby Girl. I'm proud of you :)

Unknown said...

That is so great. You are doing so good. I enjoy reading your blogs and I am inspired to do better for myself as well.

Be proud of what you are doing for yourself. you were always a strong girl when I met you and you are an even Stronger Women today. :)