Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Top Ten Guilty Pleasures...

Decided to do post that would be a lot more fun to read!

So, no particular order...

1. Cross-stitching. This is mostly because my brain is going a THOUSAND miles a minute during a majority of my waking hours and I discovered that I can turn it off by doing cross-stitch because the only thing you can do what doing that is count the number of stitches. Don't care if this make me seem like I am 80 year's old, I LOVE IT.

2. Harlequin Romance Novels. I swear this stems from being a hopeless romantic. Those novels in no way shape or form depict reality but they do keep alive a slightly more rugged dirty version of Disney's Prince Charming, because let's face it ladies if our guy is riding a horse, we want a five o'clock shadow and a nice pair of chaps that perfectly shape....ok not going to continue down this train of thought.

3. Specifically the "Who Wore It Best" section where you get to vote on who wore the dress better. This needs no more explanation :) I'm a girl we'll leave it at that. 

4. Heckling. particularly Canuck fans. nuff said. 

5. John Hughes Movies. There is seriously nothing better than curling up on the couch and watching Pretty In Pink, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Weird Science, seriously the list could go on forever. 

6. Rockin' Out. There is no better feeling that dancing around your home giving it everything you got. Kinda like in that episode of "Friends" where Phoebe goes running with Rachel. Now, I'm not talking about the kind of dancing you do at the club to impress the boys. I'm talkin about the kind dancing that usually happens in your underwear, jumping around, arms flailing.... you get the point. 

7. Flannel Pajama's. These things are in no way attractive, but by golly they are COMFY, cozy and usually last a lot longer and stick around a lot longer than any man! NO offence to all the men out there :) 

8. Jelly Belly Jelly Beans. These are those gourmet jelly beans that come in a million different flavors. To be honest, I could live without the "butter popcorn" flavor, but I like to go rogue and stick a bunch in my mouth at the same time and come up with my own new names or I will match them up two at a time.

9. Make-Up. See blog post entitled Obsession: Make-Up, that explains it all :) 

Last, but certainly not least....

10. Jersey Shore. It all started with the Hills, thanks to a guy that used to sit across from me in the office. We'd talk about Spencer, Heidi, Lauren, Brody.... OK you get the point, so my guilty pleasure since The Hills is no longer on's official I am A "Shore Whore". It's like a bad traffic accident, you can't not look. You try to look away, but then J Wow rips someone's head off or t-shirt time commences and you're trapped! 


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