Monday, February 28, 2011

Obsession: Coffee!

Ok I know seems a little silly, but I have to write about it.

So today I wandered on down to the ol' passport office and FINALLY dropped off my passport application. I was going to be spending a portion of the day with "Agnes" so I had a timeline. To save time I decided to save my morning coffee for the wait at the passport office, wow what a HUGE mistake this turned out to be. I slipped into a favorite coffee spot of mine downtown and grabbed a VERY yummy cup and continued the walk to the passport office. Upon my arrival I notice a BIG ol' red sign on the door that says "No Outside Food or Beverages Permitted." Well being the rebel that I am and haven only taken two sips from my cup of yummy joy I walked on in with my coffee. Standing in the line for not more than 45 seconds and the security guard wonders over to me and tells me that I'm not allowed to bring my coffee in. Well, buddy! Now you've gone and done it. Being in a government office and considering they hold all the cards till I have actual passport in hand I bid a sad farewell to my coffee, this got me a little hot under the collar. You are now telling me that you want me to play nice with others, and government officials no less, without caffeine in my system?!?!

Having gotten my number I now took a seat and began a favorite pass time, people watching. Sure enough people walk in with coffee cups and sure enough the security guard goes over and stomps all over their hearts as he did mine not minutes before. Sadist. I then began to think about my obsession with coffee and dependency on caffeine. There was a time when I HATED the taste of coffee and swore up and down that I would never drink it! Now, I have friends and co-workers that if I haven't had coffee yet, won't talk to me out of fear and won't allow me to interact with the public until said caffeine monster has been fed. So to be clear, I am not a "drink an entire pot" type of girl. I have my one latte in the morning and possibly a second latte or cup of java in the afternoon.

Do I have a favorite brand, nope. I am not a coffee snob, like some I know :) I tend to like my coffee on the stronger side and have been banned from making coffee in certain locations due to this fact, so I leave the coffee making to the specialists. The only thing I care about is feeding my caffeine monster!

In short, consider this a not poke the bear until the caffeine monster has been fed. Oh and to the security guard in the passport office, you took away my cup of joy so you get no happy vibes from me mister! Oh and to the Government of Canada, the floor was made of tile, the cleaner was already comin' by every 15 minutes, let a person enjoy a cup of coffee if you are gonna make them sit there and wait! Oh, and uh....thank you for making me acknowledge my addiction to coffee :)

Yeah and this Youtube video is SOOOO worth the watch!

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