Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Down With the Sickness....

Down and out with the stomach flu for several days nows and let me tell ya'll something, AVOID, AVOID, AVOID.

Thankful for today where I was actually able to stay awake for more than 45 minutes and hold solid food down, I was very disappointed in one thing....daytime television. I dislike calling into work sick, but it beats having your boss peal you off the receiving room floor, which happened the day before because I didn't listen to my body and stay home from work. So this morning, I'm home sick from work, able to sit upright for a solid 2 hours at a time I'm excited to catch up on those soap operas I know and LOVED in high school. Well, about 25 minutes in it was hard to tell if my urge to hurl was from the stomach flu or watching the soap opera. Deciding to change the channel was an easy one, to my delight I discovered Ellen was on! YAY!!!! Yeah, not so much when I discovered her entire show was Justin Beiber, again the urge to change the channel was an easy one. Along my channel surfing journey Oprah who is airing her favorite all time soap opera couples....seriously. Needless to say I turned off the TV and took a nap, depressed at the lack of quality daytime television.

I woke up, had some Gatorade and due to some seriously aching hips took a short walk. What I discovered, no food in your system for 2.5 days leaves you only able to walk about 4 blocks, but the fresh air was awesome and made me realize something. I'm thankful for reality and shitty daytime television because real life is way cooler. The drama filled soap operas provided a great escape in high school, but seriously the fact that Nicholas and Sharon, Young & The Restless, are still trying to sort out their relationship over 10 years later, well that's just plain depressing. I delight in the fact that my journey in life has taught me that dealing with life head on is better than hiding behind a television show. Just to be clear though, Jersey Shore is still my guilty pleasure.

So it is with this that I say, I'm done with being sick. This stomach flu can kiss my behind because I'm not spending another day at home on the couch. Time for it to go elsewhere because I'm done!

Oh, and one more thing. I am a capable, competent, successful woman and the minute I get sick, the only thing I want is my Mumma, some things never change.

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