Sunday, January 23, 2011

Reset Button

For a majority of the afternoon I have been craving one of those big ol' red buttons that you could push for a "do over". Knowing that this is a dangerous tunnel to go down, I decided to go anyway. I started going over all the times in my life where I would have pushed that button in a heartbeat. I'd do over this last week, I'd do over high school, I'd do over over getting a pacemaker, I'd do over having a heart condition in general. I'd do over some stupid decisions that changed the course of my life. I'd do over, actually not do at all, some relationships, both with boys and friends. I'd take back and do over some judgments and decisions I've made about people in my life. I think its fair to say that we all have a long list of things we'd like to hit the reset buttons for. Of course me being a thinker and a slight over analyzer....

I don't want a do over or a reset. There is that cliche saying that everyone uses, because quite honestly, it's the truth. Everything happens for a reason. Everything that I have ever done or said or have had happen to me, made me who I am today. The mean girls in elementary and high school taught me about the kind of girl I didn't want to be and they taught me about the importance of standing up for myself. Going through what I went through with my heart and getting a pacemaker showed me how strong I really am. It taught me perseverance and it taught me about forgiveness. It showed me how precious this gift of life really is. All the dating and bad relationships I've been in taught me to never settle for less than what I know I deserve. I really should thank them because when I do meet "Mr. Right" I am defiantly going to appreciate him! I guess the point is, everything you've been through in life has made you who you are today, who I am today and although there are things about me right now I'd like to change who I am is fabulous. I am me, and I wouldn't be me without my flaws and imperfections. I'm unique and an original and that's exactly who I'm supposed to be. You're unique and an original and that's exactly who you're supposed to be.

Embrace yourself for everything that you are and everything that you are not.

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