Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So I've just completed dancing around my apartment to absurdly loud music (thank you Cee Lo Green & Taio Cruz and my apologies to my neighbors for the base, but it was necessary) in hopes of coming up with a topic to write about in today's post. What did I come up with you ask..... Inspiration.

Side bar: I've inserted links to clips or music videos just to make this post a little more interesting, mostly because I learnt how, but who cares! Yes, you may enjoy! 

Taking on the goal of exercising 30mins everyday, no matter what, has defiantly taken something this week. It has taken something, I swear my hand to God I didn't have, determination. The ability to move past the "but, I have to do...." and the "Work was soooo busy" or the "It's late" and the "The gym is soooo busy" excuses takes something. I was a HUGE fan of buying into these excuses previously and about half way through the second Cee Lee Green song it hit me, yes it takes determination but it is inspiration that fuels the determination. 

I have been blessed to be surrounded by many amazing people that have been able to provide me with inspiration and in this post I would like to acknowledge and thank them. Now, because I am going to respect people's privacy I'm gonna use initials or nicknames :) 

Grams: for always being the most caring, loving, accepting teacher, partner and best Grandma anyone could ask for. She provides me with the example of what love truly is and to never settle for anything less because that is what I deserve.
Mumma: my angel, for having the guts to make major life changes no matter your age and reminding me that beauty knows no size, color, shape or number.
AL: for pushing me past where I always want to stop, 6am inspirational bbm's, fostering my addiction to coffee, and always reminding me that it doesn't matter what you did yesterday it's what you do today that counts
Jase: meeting you 10 years ago changed my life. For showing me that you never give up on your dream because you just celebrated your 1 year anniversary of yours. FYI peeps, if you're in the Coeur d'Alene, ID area and need a stop to kick it on the treadmill or weights hit me up I have the place!  
Jenny - Lee: for dealing with me when I have NOT been caffeinated, demanding Nikki-Jo time, reminding me to believe in myself and believe in love. For being a POWERFUL beotch and takin' no prisoners! 
DJ: for having balls of steel and being a bright and shiny example of the kind of woman I want to be
Big Brother: for showing me that you should never give up and people can always change and that believing in yourself doesn't happen overnight. 
"Agnes": for sending me text messages when you know my day isn't going so well, just because you know your assigned ringtone makes me giggle! 

So it was after the goodness that is Salt n' Pepa that I realized this list could go on forever because I am inspired by a lot of people in my life and it is that inspiration that has me move past the vast array of excuses listed above. When I sit here for a minute and really allow myself to get present to how lucky I am to have each friend and family member in my life it brings tears of joy to my eyes so from the bottom of my heart I say thank you. Thank you for being you, for being a part of my life, no matter how close, far, big or small, I love each and everyone of you. 

Now just to finish of this post I must go out on a high note and there is only one person that will appreciate this and she knows who she is because Dec 2009 was an epic adventure :) 

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