Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Patience, Motivation & Determination

Those are 3 words that I have been lacking, to the point of even considering I am missing that gene in my genetic make-up, yes yes relax I know those are not genetic traits!

If you are following along you will note that I did not post my weekly goals on Monday for Week 4. It is with shame and embarrassment that I hang my head, but then I remember that I am a human being and therefore no where near perfect. As perfect as I try to be and try to come across as such I take comfort in the fact that EVERYONE has things on there "To Do" list that has been kicking around for quite some time. Think about your list, I'll give you a minute.......take your time.......

So I have since discovered the key to getting these items complete! Patience, motivation and determination. Three simple words that happen to pack quite a wallop when you think about it. 

Patience with yourself and allowing yourself to deal with the reasons and excuses this item has been on your "To Do" list for as long as it has. For me being overweight has been a defense mechanism, a really great way to keep people at bay and not really let anyone get close to me, disarming those mechanisms doesn't happen over night and as MUCH as I wish they would I need to have patience with myself to make mistakes, loose motivation and loose sight of my goals. I'm quickly learning that as hard as I am on myself to be "perfect", doing this weight loss game perfectly isn't going to get er' done. 

Motivation to keep the end goal in sight, your eye on the prize, the reason for the game, whatever metaphor, sports or otherwise you'd like to insert here. Now, if there is one thing this little spill off the wagon has taught me is that doing this myself and relying on myself to keep me motivated is an error on my part. Let's face it, I am my own worst enemy and if there is anyone that can talk myself out of doing something, I am the Jedi Master, move over Yoda. 

Determination to not let anyone or anything mess with your reason for playing the game. For me, it's my health. I want to have the pacemaker removed and live a healthy, happy vital life. I'm not doing this for anyone but me, wait that's a lie, I'm doing this also for the children I hope to have one day, but mostly it's for me so I have the energy to keep up with them :) Determination for me is also not letting anyone or anything get in your way. Spending less time on the "wagon" then off it.

So, to assist myself in this journey I have provided myself with a few assistants ! YAY to lil' helpers! 

Helper #1
Helper #2
My lil' helpers are posters that I have on the cupboard in my kitchen. The first one is a litle collage I made with sayings, people and things that I think are pretty and want to be able to fit into. The second is actually a  three page Nike ad that I fell in love with. Page 1 - Make Yourself Proud, Page 2 - Make Yourself Strong, Page 3 - Make Yourself Fit. Also not shown here are all my friends that I know I can call in a heartbeat if I need a little boost and shot of motivation, that's the key to not doing it alone. Been living the "solo mission" game for quite a while, time to play it different!

Peace out my Lovelies! 

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