Friday, January 7, 2011

Faith vs. Hope

So I found myself hoping this week. Hoping that I can stick with my 80lb goal for the year, hoping that I can stick with writing this blog. Every time I write it scares the crap out of me. It is a scary feeling having your thoughts out there for the world to read, but at the same time it leaves me with a small feeling of not being alone in what I am going through, because we all have our "stuff" I just happen to put mine on display... OK that was a sidebar, back on task....

Hoping that my life turns out, hoping that I one day fall in love, get married and get my version of my white picket fence.... hope hope hope hope. All this, and quite frankly dangerous, thinking got me wondering about what "hope" is. Here is one of the definitions, that stuck out for me according to

"verb: to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence."

Hmmmm OK, well what's that do? Maybe if I really really hope for it I will get it? Nope, no dice. If I think about it enough it will come to fruition? Non รจ un caso. I was once again reminded that hoping makes absolutely no difference. Someone once told me that "Hoping is for lazy people, gives them an excuse to not go out and get it." Ouch like that isn't a polite smack upside the head and you may even have your opinions about all of this, but when you stop and think you have to take ACTION to get what you want, sitting and hoping didn't actually get you what you wanted, you have to take action. then my next thought was what about faith.

Again the definition that struck my fancy,

" noun: confidence or trust in a person or thing."

Interesting. Now if there is one thing in this world that I am certain of it is the people, places and things I trust because that is mine to give. "Faith is belief in what you cannot see or prove or touch. Faith is walking face first and full-speed into the dark. If we knew all the answers in advance as to the meaning of life and the nature of The Almighty and the destiny of it all, our belief would not be a leap of would just be....a prudent insurance policy." I read that this morning on my way to work and yes, I started crying on public transit. It's funny how when you're thinking about one thing, trying to distract yourself by doing something else and the universe smacks you upside the head. Thank you Elizabeth Gilbert.

It's about the fight, how you grow is in the fight, pushing myself/yourself past where you stop. This journey isn't about how many times I go to the gym (that's the action that I know I can do) it's about moving through the reasons and excuses. Having the faith in yourself that I can do it, that it doesn't matter how many times I fall, it's that each time I get back up, brush off my knees and go again. Who cares about how many times you do it, that's why some genius invented kneepads, keeping going.

Having faith in myself, in my abilities and in others is probably the hardest thing I will ever do.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Wow! This is such an awesome post (it almost had me in tears!). It made me think about the places where I too sit back and "hope" for things to happen the way I want them too, aka wait while doing nothing about it. But it's so true that the only way you will get what you want is by actually taking action and overcoming all the reason's not to.
Thank you for this reminder! It is a very brave thing to acknowledge that you are scared of something and doing it anyways.