Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love & Romance...

So some friends of mine indicated to me that I have a free pass today to be resigned and cynical about love, relationships, romance and all that jazz, especially today because it is the day of love afterall.

So I was thinking about my situation and what's played out over the last few weeks, the heartache, betrayal, dishonesty and my friends are right...it would be super easy for me to put on my horns, grab my pitch fork and walk around all day being mean to those who are trying to enjoy the day. After I finished drinking my coffee and my caffeine monster was satiated I began to think more clearly...

Although I'm slowly piecing my heart back together, there is still a big part of me that believes in love and knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will find a man that will love and respect me as much as I do him. I'm talking about that all consuming, can't live without each other kind of love. The kind of love where you don't have to change, give up or remove pieces of who you are to be in a relationship with this person. The kind of love where you don't have to hide and when you are being stubborn they call you out. When you do something nice for them they smile, give you a kiss and say “Thank you, I love you.”

A big part of who I am is a hopeless romantic and although there are days that I would love nothing more than to beat that part of me with a reality stick I believe that it is possible and it is out there. You just need a little faith and love in yourself first so that your heart is open for that person to walk on in.

My heart is not yet open, but I'm working on it...

1 comment:

Claire said...

Being a romantic is a strength. It is remaining faithful to a belief, no matter what. It's believing in yourself and others because you are worth it....