Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Update Time Again!

It is that time of the month party peeps! YAY for update time and picture time.These past four weeks have provided so much growing, learning, laughing and tears that I honestly feel as if I have come out the other side a new person. I moved mountains in some areas and I stayed the same in others, so let's begin shall we :)

Let's begin with the picture! You'll notice two pictures in this blog post, because I couldn't pick which one to use. Having my picture taken was a torturous task for me. It was made a little easier if I take it myself because then I could control certain aspects of the picture. After taking a series of pictures I would sit down and flip through to find the one that was the least horrible of them, saying various not nice things to myself. This time was an entirely different experience! The whole time flipping through my pictures I was singing "I'm bringing SexyBack....them other..." Well you get the idea! Just in case you don't feel free to take a Justin Timberlake break with the link provided below. Moving along, it is a completely different experience to relate to myself as HOT. Something some people have been trying to tell me for years, so I am enjoying the moment and going to see where it takes me.  If there is one thing that has been drilled into my head is that beauty comes from within, not an outside source! Just gotta keep repeating that to myself.

For a couple weeks this month it felt like if anything was going to go wrong, it happened in those two weeks. I spent a few days curled up in tears trying to figure out what the heck was going on, hid from friends, and defiantly did not complete everything I said I was going to within these 4 weeks, because I came up with some really valid excuses!  The great thing is these past 4 weeks have given me some really great blog posts which I am EXCITED to share with you. If I was to write about it all in this post it would be WAY to long, so strap yourself in for the ride ladies and gentlemen!

Don't want to ignore a couple of points though!

I did not loose any weight, however I did not gain anything either, that is according to the scale. However if I go by the fit of my clothes, things are defiantly starting to feel a little looser. I would also like to take a moment and pay thanks to the Stairmaster. You and I have never really gotten along, but good lord my calf muscles love you! Gonna have me some sexy gams, by the time we are done :) I will be moving from a cardio only fitness routine to the addition of weights on a more regular basis. Yoga has been a saving grace, if nothing else than the stretching. Have not quite mastered that whole "Yoga for the mind" part, but we'll get there. My back thanks for the stretches.

Reading, check! All the exercises complete, fail! I am reading about 3 different books right now with the intention of going back to complete the exercises, part of me wonders if I will actually go back to complete them....we will see. Gumption and 1 thing a day that scares me, oh Lord did I. I honestly believe, that for me practising these two items is something that will forever be on my monthly updates!

Lastly, the most exciting of them all! Item #3 on my 2011 goals.....COMPLETED! I have successfully completed, filed and received my passport! YAY! You can't see it right now, but I am doing my SexyBack dance :)

That is all for now ladies and gents, but as I said stay tuned for some posts, because they are gonna be good!

P.S - Welcome to those in Morocco and Russia reading away

For the next four weeks....

1. Loose 8lbs
2. Read daily. You may ask yourself why reading? Well I'm a firm believer in that to grow as a person you need to be always learning and I love to learn, so I read.
3. Do 1 thing a day that scares me & continue to practice gumption
4. Exercise 4 times a week, minimum 30 minutes. I am dropping two days, because I found it quite difficult to stick with the 6 days a week and think that goal was a bit harsh going from maybe 2 to 6 days, so I'm gonna go with 4 and work back up to 6 days :)

G'nite all !

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