Monday, March 21, 2011

Saying Goodbye....

I was indulging in a old TV show that was a favourite of mine, Ugly Betty. Ok, Ok, Ok, it isn't that old, but sadly it isn't on the TV anymore. The last scene Betty has this really great monologue, which I would like to share.

" I've had to say goodbye more times that I would have liked, but everyone can say that and no matter how many times we do it, even when its for the greater good, it still stings. And though we'll never forget what we've given up we owe it to ourselves to keep moving forward. What we can't do is live out lives always afraid of the next goodbye, because chances are they are not going to stop. The trick is to recognize when a goodbye can be a good thing, when it's a chance to start again."

In making the decision to move my life forward I knew that there was going to be a cost, but I knew that the cost of me not moving forward was far greater. When you finally wake up and realize your own worth and find love for yourself you notice how you have certain people in your life that support the old negative you and when you start to move forward they do everything they can to hold you back. I've had people "defriend" me on Facebook or flat out ask me if I've joined some sort of "cult". Now the smart alec in me tries desperately to refrain from responding to that last comment with a "Yes, a happiness one, you REALLY need to join." All I have done is make some changes in my thought processing, I giggle more, laugh more and smile a TON more.

Everyone displays themselves in the world a certain way and for many years I displayed myself a certain way. This way worked for me for many many years and gave me a pretty great life, but I want more now. I have begun to show up a different way and there are people in my life that don't want to be a part of that, so we've had to say goodbye. I respect their decision and I hope that in time they will come to respect mine.

Now, for a girl who's only filter for life has been "I'm fat and ugly please be my friend" this has cost me some tears and long conversations with those that love and support what I am up to. Saying goodbye is never an easy task, but as stated in the quote above it's about recognizing when its for a good thing. I will always think of those that have come and gone from my life with nothing but love in my heart, but there is a tiny part of me that will miss them and hopes that maybe one day our paths will cross again.

Now be careful when you giggle more people will think you're weird :)

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