Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Testing all Giggles, Testing all Giggles....

So there have been a few mornings where I have woken up with the giggles and/or a big ol' smile on my face. Don't know why.... perhaps it was the dreams the night before or the Nyquil that is getting me through is gnarly cold I have, don't particularly care, but let me say this. Waking up this way is THE BEST way to start a day.

Normally I wake up, roll over, smack the snooze button and wonder how long I can milk it till I have to absolutely get out of bed now or I will be late for work. I dream of my coffee as it is brewing and curse the sleep gods for making 6am come far to early. Waking up, smiling and doing a lil giggle makes the morning way more entertaining.

Yesterday morning was the same way and so on my way to work I had the giant smile plastered across my face and it was amazing to me how many people got weirded out by this, on the flip side the number of people that appreciated the smile and friendly "Good Morning" was far more amazing. They stop, look at you, get the biggest smile on their face, and say thank you for even acknowledging their existence. Now let me ask you this, would you rather start the day grumpy or giggly? Would you rather make someone's day or make someone's day miserable? You decide :)

I personally choose being a lil ray of sunshine! After all, I live in Vancouver someone's gotta bring the sunshine because lord knows Mother Nature isn't!

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