Monday, April 30, 2012

Childlike Enthusiasm...

“Put yourself into life and never lose your openness, your childish enthusiasm throughout the journey that is life, and things will come your way” ~Fredirico Fellini~

I remember growing up, as a wee little girl, sitting in my room for hours, dreaming of the life I was going to one day have. All the really great things in life I was going to accomplish, the things I was going change in the world.

I was going to live in a huge plantation style house, with a mile long drive way that will be lined with big trees and cherry blossoms. A wrap around balcony with a chair swing, a lake off to one side, a big tree in the backyard with a tire swing for the kids to play on. I could go on for hours of the dreams I used to have. What happened? When did we stop dreaming and just starting going with the motions of life?

Last night I was walking in the rain, with a friend and we were walking through a public garden exploring the different spaces, climbing through and around the different boxes. Feeling the flowers, the plants, even tasting a couple trying to figure out what they were. I stopped for a brief moment to just listen to the rain and watch it fall. It was so gentle, so soft, and peaceful, it was idyllic. In that moment it felt like I was holding hands with that little girl that loved to play in the puddles and dream. I was quickly snapped back to reality to my cell phone buzzing away and my friend calling to keep walking.  It was the most fun I’ve had in a really long time.

Where has the child like enthusiasm for life gone? Has it been replaced with adult responsibilities and proper behavior?

I don’t know about you, but I want more moments like last night and fewer moments widdling my worry stick sitting in my rocking chair full of concerns and adult responsibilities


Carolyn said...

Hey - sounds like we dreamt of living in the same future house ;)

I totally get what you mean though. Disneyland tends to bring back my child like enthusiasm!

R.Nathan Sinclair said...

I'm glad you got it last night. I guess it's what separates me from being grown up. I am being re-taught this lesson every day with my daughter Ella Victoria. We have just gotten caught up with life. Ever wonder why people in 3rd world countries have nothing and are so happy? They're not caught up in the lifestyle obsession of "gotta get more stuff." Remember I said last night that god is inn the rain? Well, he's in the stone, the tree, the water, and you and me. Namaste means to salute the god or light in some other being. Congratulations on your big steps through your spiritual garden last night. Namaste, Nathan.