Friday, July 1, 2011

The Question At Hand....

I used to think that making decisions and choices was simply. As humans we do it everyday, almost every moment. Do I want drip coffee or a latte? Do I want to wear those shoes with this outfit or those ones? Do I want to answer this phone call or don't I? Do I want to take this great job offer or don't I? Do I want to go on this date or not? My filter for making the tough decisions has always been "Will my decision make this person happy, mad or sad?" and "What's the easiest way to not have this person be upset with me?" or "What's the easiest most simply choice that will provide the least amount of effort?"

I've been fighting this wicked headache all day, and I'm not someone that get's headaches. As I type this blog post working through this subject, weighing on my mind, my headache is subsiding. So my question is this. When do we stop making decisions and choices based on what will make other's happy and start making them based on what's best for me and my life and when you start doing this, what is the cost?"