Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Few of My Favorites...

I spend a lot of time focusing on where I'm going, what I'm doing, who I'm being that sometimes I forget to look up and enjoy what is right in front of me, so I decided to take a side step and share with you all a few of my favorite things! It's similar to my Things That Make Me Smile post, but as I've said before sometimes you need to stop and focus on the little things to appreciate the big things when they happen!


Color: Hmmmm this one is probably a given, if not look at the main color of my blog! I have friends that cringe when I wear my favorite color, and my staff at work won't let me buy anything that is my favorite color! I don't care though. Pink is a very tender, soothing and happy color!

Flower: I love the playfulness of Gerber Daisies and the elegance of Lilies

Moment: The feeling after you finish this really amazing workout where you know you left your insides in the gym!

Way to spend a free afternoon: With someone I love! Now, this doesn't necessarily mean a man, however not completely discounted, it does mean someone that means the world to me.... friends, family, or simply a yummy cup of coffee :)

Book: Romeo & Juliet (this would probably be my favorite movie as well, but I have yet to find a really great version, so alas my second favorite book is my favorite movie :)

Movie: Pride & Prejudice

Song: Blueberry Hill - Louis Armstrong. Yes, I know Fats Domino was the original singer, but I love Louis' version better, sorry Fats!

Food: I would be happy if the only thing I had left to eat for the rest of my life was fruit. I love all kinds of fruit! Pineapple, Kiwi, Strawberries, Banana's, Grapes, the list goes on and on!

Sound: Music. Note the period after the word. I love all types, styles and kinds of music. One of my biggest fears is losing my hearing and the ability to hear the amazing melodies and sounds that the musical geniuses come out with.

Brand of Make-Up: Well as most of you know I'm a little bit of a make-up junkie but I don't know if I'd say if I have a favorite make-up brand. There are definalty a lot of REALLY great brands out there, some expensive and some inexpensive. I would say that if it has great color payoff, lasting power, doesn't make me break out and they don't test on animals, they are a favorite. What I'm not a fan of though, is charging through the nose for a tube of lip gloss or eye-shadow, come on, seriously, $28 for a tube of lip gloss?

Animal: Mountain Gorilla. I'm not sure why, but I have always been in love with this animal. Growing up I wanted to follow in the foot steps of Dian Fossey and to this day not really sure why I didn't...hmmm....

And then here are a few things that don't fall under any specific category, but for some reason I feel the need to include them...

1. Dancing around my apartment to music, channeling Tom Cruise from Risky Business!
2. Hugging my Mumma, my Grams or my nieces
3. Curling up with a really, really great book
4. Having a really wicked conversation with someone new

What are some of your favorite things?

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