What is this need we have to always know the outcome? This need to know how everything is going to turn out before making a solid decision. Does it provide us with a level of comfort? Like a warm fuzzy blanket of security. I know I talk a good game of wanting to be a risk taker, but when push has come to shove I’ve buckled faster than Luongo during the playoffs.
Life has been generous enough to deal me the message, on several occasions over the last few weeks, Certainty/Comfort, not your friend, stop living here, move along and live in Uncertainty/Variety. This little message “Shake life up, take some risks, fly, jump, leap of the ledge” is being plastered across the sky for me to see. Nothing in life is certain. It’s ok to be wrong, even if it is EPICALLY wrong, it’s still ok.
Upsetting the status quo, shaking things up, taking risks are all good things. These are things that I defiantly do not do on a regular basis, especially when I think it is going to cost me security and safety in another area. Yet, I walk around saying that I love being spontaneous, that I have no problem with last minute, when the truth is it freaks me out because at my core, I’m a planner. I plan for everything!!! My mother laughs at me all the time for this trait, because at her core, she was once the same way, but has since found the ability to relinquish control and find her zen with “Come what may.”
Let’s face it, what do any of us really have to lose? Why not take a risk? For the ladies, there is an inner She Ra in us all that wants to take on the world and beat the snot out of life. I heard this quote quite some time ago but stumbled across it again today...
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