Tuesday, August 30, 2011


True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost” ~unknown~    
So the last couple weeks have been a bit rough. There has been a lot going on at work, both emotions and stress levels have been running extremely high and I probably wouldn't have gotten through it if it wasn't for some very dear friends in my life, which got me to thinking about friends and friendships.
I have defiantly made my fair share of mistakes in friendships, but to me a true mark of a friend is one that walks in when it feels like the rest of the world is walking out. Over the last 3 weeks I really became grateful for the friends that I have in my life. The ones that our relationship is a two way street. There are times where I'm taking and their giving and then there are times when I'm giving and they are taking. We provide each other with encouragement, support and don't hesitate to smack each other upside the head when the time calls for it.
In addition, I also noticed that those people whom I thought would be there through thick and thin, aren't and that's ok. I have finally realized that friendship are not a one way street I can't be the one always calling to make brunch, lunch or shopping dates. I can't be the one that is putting in all the effort. Now, yes I understand that people have busy lives, but even in my busy life I make time to text those near and dear to my heart or a short pick up the phone and say hello and they do the same.
There are people in my life that have made me who I am today. I had dinner and drinks with an old friend from my hometown and I realized that it didn't matter how long we'd been a part we still got up to some of the same old antics that we did when we were younger. She is one of those friends that changed my life. She taught me how to have fun, how to have confidence and how to believe that I had “it”.
I have a friend that no matter the day, time or situation she will listen. She forces me to be bigger than I know myself to be. She also doesn't put up with any of my excuses or reasons for not doing something. I can also call and tell her about the dumbest thing I've done and although she may call me an idiot she doesn't judge me because its the same from me to her. She's taught me not to listen to that little voice inside my head and she's been my cheerleader when I was ready to throw in the towel. She's been there through good, bad, great, ugly, messy, stupid and down right delusional (hey, I'm female we have those moments and anyone that says they don't is lying!)
Friends will come in and out of your life, but I truly believe that each one is intended to teach you a lesson and that although it may be sad when they go or the distance between you grows what you need to do is celebrate that it happened and take the lesson the two of you shared and carry that forward.
Life is not measure but the number of friends you have, it's measured by the person you are and the person you want to become and your friends play a part in that.

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