Wednesday, April 27, 2011


One of the dumbest things I do is get attached to how things are or how I think things should be.

Change is the only constant that one really has in life. At work, you get a new boss and realize the gaps between the old boss and the new boss or policies and procedures change. In relationships a person's feelings for you can change and that relationship ends. A best friend moves away or a loved one passes away. Come on, as females there is even the saying "it's the female perogative to change her mind."

In knowing this why then do I continuously get upset and bend out of shape about change and the only thing I can come up with is comfort. When there is change there is discomfort and our normal way of operating is disrupted. That being said, change is only uncomfortable until we find a way to navigate the change and you once again return to the world of comfort.

Resisting this fact seems ridiculous, because it isn't going to go away. So how does one navigate in a world where the only constant thing is change. My first reaction, Faith. Faith in myself, that no matter what the change is, I have the tools, skills, knowledge and belief in myself to handle and navigate the change. There's that phrase "belief in myself", one of the harder lessons it appears for me to learn, but one I am not going to shy away from.  Secondly, perhaps it's similar to what I spoke about in my post "Saying Goodbye...". It's about recognizing the change as an opportunity, even though it may not seem like it at the time, but things happen for a reason, right? 

I know one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt, to navigate this world of change you need support. My support is my family, my friends and all of you reading this. Your support system is there when you feel completely overwhelmed and can't see past the inevitable level of fear that comes with change. So, when you briefly return to the world of comfort, before the next change arrives, thank them, love them and be there for them when they are navigating the world of discomfort that has arrived with their change. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Update w/ An Apology.....

This is gonna be a little big of a different "Update" post because I gots some apologizing to do! 

Update #1: is I have fallen off the health and wellness band wagon. I have been on muscle relaxants for the last 5 days and the level of pain I have been experiencing has scared me beyond which I can find words to describe. On the first day it took me almost 45 minutes to get out of bed and then I thought as a way to stretch my back out I would lay on the floor. Well it took over an hour and a WHOLE LOTTA tears to get up off the floor. The next day a trip to the chiropractor revealed a locked hip and about a dozen pulled muscles from the spasms. Now I know there are some things in life that are true cause and effect, but my instincts tell me that this was on of those polite smack's upside the head to refocus on my goal which I am absolutely not going to question because I NEVER want to experience that level of pain again.

Update #2: you may have noticed that my level of posting blogs has drastically decreased, well almost to nothing. I have a long list of really great excuses as to why I haven't, but that is all they are...excuses. I have gotten some amazing feedback on my blog and the difference that it makes for people and I let that wonderful world of fear creep in.

The Apology....

I am human. I've said it a thousand times before, being human, I am no where near perfect. I will make mistakes, I will screw up and second guess myself a thousand and one times. The really great lesson that I have finally started to learn is to embrace that. I was the Queen of Self-Loathing, beating myself up or making myself wrong for certain decisions. Notice how I used the word....was. The lesson for me in all of this is I'm done. I don't want to be the Queen of that anymore. I don't want to make myself wrong and beat myself up. I may not have been doing those things, but for the first time in a really long time I have still been happy! I am still smiling, I am still living my life on my terms. 

Living my life on my terms is my greatest gift. Learning this lesson has freed me from emotional attachments that I have been allowing to hold me back. That ex-boyfriend that I just couldn't seem to let go of no longer has the hold on me he once did because it became abundantly clear how being with him forced me to live my life on his terms. Thus does not a lasting relationship make. 

This last month has made me more thankful and grateful for the loving friends and family I have in my life. I do not take them for granted. I have those friends that love you no matter what, no judgments and all the messes that come along with life. They lay on the floor with you when you can't get up and rub your back when you're scared and crying and remind you that this pain will only make you stronger. They sit on the phone with you while you are crying your eyes out and remind you that, although it may not feel like it, you will get better and get back on track. They remind you how much of a dork you are for dancing in the middle of the street to make them laugh. I have the kind of family that although I may not see them all the time and we may not talk all the time, if I was ever in trouble I could call. My family shows up at your place of work to say hello, but just by doing that reminds you how loved and lucky I am to have that kind of family. 

In short, I apologize if my not writing has been a missing for you in your life, but it has reminded me of what I want to do, the game I am out to play, and the whole reason for starting this blog in the first place. It has reminded me of how lucky and truly blessed I really am. I have found my smile and my spirit and I can't put a price on that. 

Now let's get on with it! 

This is a favorite song I have been listening to a lot this month.....

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Ok, first of all there are two things that I swore I would never blog about, Religion and Politics. I am about to talk about the second one.

I will be the first to admit that whenever anyone starts going on a political rant I tune out, mostly because I believed religion and politics are the two easiest ways to start a fight and as someone that doesn't like to enter Battle Royale's I've never really paid attention. I guess you could say I was ignorant to the going's on. I also believe that a lot of the misgivings going on in the world would be eased if people just respected that someone else may not share your point of view so accept that and find a way to work together. Yes I am aware of how naïve that may sound to some but my response to that is back to basics people. We teach our kids to accept people for who they are, but I see a lot of people not practicing that.... Ok that was my mini rant, moving along....

I understand that there is an election upon us and I have this desire to make an informed choice at the polls this year. My normal decision making process when I went to vote, usually involved a phone call to my mother asking "who should I vote for?" I've seen the turmoil that the States has gone through with decisions made by their past, present and future leaders and would hate to see Canada enter the same fate so it is with that desire that I have begun my research in the various political parties to make my informed decision.

I have been seeing tv ads and radio ads for the various candidates running and the best way I can describe how I feel when I hear them is .... Ick. It sounds like a big ol' mud slinging match and I have a hard time voting for someone who thinks it's appropriate to rip apart someone's characters to gain points or followers, but I will continue my research. I do have to admit one thing though, I'm not entirely certain what I am looking to find. Lesser of two evils? The reading I have done is normally very biased towards a particular party and trying to discern the truth in all the jargon is proving interesting...

I have a lot of acquaintences, friends and family members that are very politically oriented and speak with great passion and determination about those beliefs and to them I ask.... Why? 

I will let you know how it goes, or hit me up if you can offer some assistance!